ZERO releases report about policy instruments for large-scale CCS

2013-12-16 14:40 by Anja Reitz

The report has been carried out by the industry division at ZERO (Zero Emissions Resource Organisation), based in Norway

For large-scale industry applications as CCS, 2020 is nearly here and 2030 is not far away. Long-term predictable frameworks are crucial to boost the speed of needed investments and development. Short-term challenges are important but must not take the focus away from putting long-term policy instruments in place.

In order to ensure large-scale deployment of CCSZERO considers a mix of instruments indispensable: at the core, an instrument giving sufficient incentive to make business cases for CCS viable and trigger investments in deployment and innovation. For industry to embark on large-scale investments, a long-term predictable framework is needed.  The best policy instruments for up-scaling of CCS deployment to emerge from this analysis are a CCS certificate system combined with an appropriate EPS. The certificate system finances the cost for CCS deployment through a cost-sharing model, while the EPS sets a very clear regulation, stopping investments in high-emission conventional solutions.


Source: Carbon Capture Journal, 11 Dec 2013

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