US-Canada standard for CO2 geological storage
2012-11-19 12:55 by Anja Reitz
The CSA Z741 Geological storage of cabron dioxide standard is a bi-national Canada-USA consensus standard, developed with a technical committee of more than 30 professionals representing industry, regulators, researchers and NGOs from both sides of the border. The genesis of the standard was a seed document developed by IPAC-CO2 based on their research. It is intended that the new standard will also be used as a basis for the international CCS standards through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The standard is primarily applicable to saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and does not preclude its application to storage associated with tertiary hydrocarbon recovery. It includes, but is not limited to, recommendations with respect to the safer design, construction, operation, maintenance, and closure of storage sites. It also provides recommendations for the development of management documents, community engagement, risk assessment, and risk communication.
The project life cycle covers all aspects, periods, and stages of the storage project, beginning with those necessary to initiate the project (including site screening, selection, characterization, assessment, engineering, permitting, and construction), that lead to the start of injection and proceeding through subsequent operations until cessation of injection; and culminating in the post-injection period, which can include a closure period and a post-closure period. The standard does not specify post-closure period requirements.
Source: Storage, Nov 18 2012 (Carbon Capture Journal)