Strong support for CCS from across the UK political spectrum

2014-08-18 09:26 by Anja Reitz

While the details of policies may differ, it is very encouraging for CCS and the growing CCS industry in the UK that there is clear support for the technology across political boundaries.

The Global CCS Institute has previously assessed the UK's comprehensive policy framework, developed by successive governments of differing political leanings, as being one of the world’s most supportive of CCS. In the last few weeks the major political parties in the UK have both released papers setting out their vision for CCS development in the medium term.

On 7 August, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change released a Policy Scoping Document that invites views, inputs and evidence both on existing policies and future policy development. The document is particularly focused on the second stage of the UK CCS Commercialisation Programme, and covers a wide range of policy issues, including financial incentives for CCS, industrial CCS, and prospects for enhanced oil recovery in the UK.


Source: Global CCS Institute, insights

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