Scientists poke holes in carbon dioxide sequestration
2012-08-07 09:12 by Anja Reitz
Newly published geophysical research and a
committee of experts have cast doubts on whether carbon capture and
storage (CCS) can play the major role that some scientists and coal
producers had hoped for in mitigating climate change. A report released
by the National Research Council (NRC) in mid-June warns that the
injection of millions of tons of supercritical liquid carbon dioxide
from fossil-fuel plants into deep geological formations is likely to
create earthquakes that will fracture the surrounding impermeable rock
and allow the greenhouse gas to work its way back toward the surface.
Separately, Stanford University geophysicists Mark Zoback and Steven
Gorelick write in a 26 June article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that “there is a high probability that earthquakes will be triggered by injection of large volumes of CO2
into the brittle rocks commonly found in continental interiors.” They
argue that “large-scale CCS is a risky, and likely unsuccessful,
strategy for significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
Colorado School of Mines geologist Murray Hitzman, who chaired the NRC committee that wrote Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies,
told a 19 June hearing of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources that two factors, “net fluid balance” and the volume of the
injected liquid, largely determine whether an earthquake will result
when liquids are pumped into underground formations. According to the
NRC report, oil and gas development projects that take into account the
balance between fluid injected and fluid withdrawn produce significantly
fewer seismic events than projects that ignore the fluid balance. In
CCS, CO2 is injected without any corresponding extraction of the brine that’s often present in the formation.
Zoback, who also appeared at the
Senate committee hearing, said that for CCS to contribute significantly
to mitigating climate change, about 3.5 billion metric tons worldwide
would have to be sequestered annually. Right now, a few large-scale CCS
operations, including one at a Norwegian gas well in the North Sea and
another at a gas well in Algeria, are each storing around 1 million tons
a year.
Site selection is paramount
The biggest CCS project to date has been taking in CO2 at a rate of 2.8 million tons per year since 2000, but the CO2 pumped there is used to help recover additional oil from the depleted Weyburn and Midale oilfields in Canada. The CO2
is produced and piped 320 km from a North Dakota coal gasification
plant. In response to the Zoback–Gorelick article, Malcolm Wilson, CEO
of the Petroleum Technology Research Centre, the nonprofit that manages
Weyburn–Midale, asserted that no earthquakes, new faults, or fault
reactivation had occurred following the injection of more than 21
million metric tons of CO2. But Wilson acknowledged that carefully locating CCS storage sites is a “paramount” consideration.
Andy Chadwick, head of CO2 storage research at the British Geological Survey, says that during CO2
injection, pressures can be controlled to avoid fracturing the caprock.
Tony Batchelor, president of the UK-based company GeoScience, agrees
but notes that lower pressure means smaller storage capacities that
could potentially drive up the cost of CCS. Several research groups are
exploring the potential of active reservoir management to mitigate
increases in reservoir pressure. That research aims to relieve pressure
by extracting saline reservoir fluids displaced by CO2
injection. Those fluids could be desalinated to provide clean water,
says John Litynski, carbon storage technology manager at the US
Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.
in 2017 the FutureGen Alliance, a US-based industry–government
consortium, plans to capture and store 1.3 million tons of CO2
per year at a coal-burning power plant in Meredosia, Illinois. Lawrence
Pacheco, a spokesman for the $1.3 billion venture, says that at the
injection site both the porosity of the sandstone formation nearly a
mile below the surface and the caprock permeability are ideal for CO2
storage. In addition to a $1 billion pledge to FutureGen, DOE is
funding three industrial-scale CCS projects, including a plan to capture
and store 4.5 million tons a year from a methanol refinery and another
to sequester 1 million tons annually from ethanol production. Two of the
three projects will use the CO2 in enhanced oil recovery.
So far, so good
Since 2003 DOE has supported
seven regional partnerships to develop the technology, equipment, and
regulations needed for implementing large-scale CCS for differing North
American geological formations. To date, no significant induced seismic
events have been associated with any of the partnership storage
projects, says Litynski.
David Borns, manager of the
geotechnology and engineering department at Sandia National
Laboratories, says that the Zoback–Gorelick article “raises a plausible
scenario.” But he and others say more data are needed.
That liquid injection or
withdrawal could cause earthquakes has been known since the 1920s,
according to the NRC report. The heightened public awareness of
shale-gas production in the past several years has called attention to
several quakes, many just large enough to be felt, that occurred when
fluids used in the hydraulic fracturing process—fracking—were injected
into disposal wells in Ohio and Arkansas. Two earthquakes too small to
be felt occurred during fracking at a site near Blackpool, UK, this
year, causing UK regulators to shut the operation down.
The NRC report, requested by
Congress in 2010, identifies only two instances, one each in the US and
UK, where an earthquake strong enough to be felt was directly induced by
fracking. There are an estimated 35 000 shale-gas extraction wells in
the US alone. Eight other temblors—magnitude 2 or greater—analyzed by
the committee were said to be caused by the injection of wastes from oil
and gas production, including used fracking fluids, at a few of the 30
000 wastewater disposal wells in the US.
Layers of protection
The microseismic events that
occur during fracking each release on average about the same amount of
energy as a gallon of milk falling off a kitchen counter, Zoback told
the Senate committee. That’s because fracking affects only a limited
volume of rock, typically several hundred cubic meters, and the
pressurization typically lasts for only a few hours. By contrast, the
injection of large volumes of CO2 over many years will steadily build pressure in the reservoir, according to the NRC committee and Zoback.
But a breach in the sealing cap doesn’t necessarily mean that the CO2
will return to the biosphere, Litynski says. “Subsurface geology is
very heterogeneous, and potential storage sites typically have multiple
sealing units . . . above the primary seal, providing additional
protection against fluid migration.”
Ruben Juanes, associate professor
of energy studies at MIT, believes that seismicity, though an important
consideration, does not represent the death knell for geologic
sequestration. “While I agree that these risks are serious, I disagree
with the authors’ claim that they will likely render CCS unsuccessful,”
he says. The quakes attributed to fluid injection have been at
magnitudes below the damage threshold, Juanes notes. The evidence
presented by Zoback and Gorelick is anecdotal and “does not justify the
conclusion that moderate-size earthquakes will threaten the seal
integrity to the point of rendering CCS unsuccessful. In particular,
[Zoback and Gorelick] support this sweeping statement with a reference
to some lab experiments, rather than field experiments, on granitic
rocks, which would never be used as a host rock for CCS.”
In the big picture, seismicity
pales in comparison to cost as an impediment to the adoption of CCS,
says Rachel Cleetus, a climate economist with the Union of Concerned
Scientists. “Honestly, the challenges to CCS are so significant on the
economic front that this is just going to be one more thing that makes
people question the risk of going down that path versus other options
that are readily available and much less risky, such as wind and solar,”
she says.
“The difficulty is that carbon
isn’t priced in a meaningful way,” adds GeoScience’s Batchelor. “Until
carbon has a price, it bears down on the renewables, and it bears down
on CCS. And the US, UK, and most European governments are not going to
put their industries at a competitive disadvantage by saying we insist
you do [CCS] and double the price of power on a unilateral basis.”
Source: David Kramer,
August 2012, Physics Today, page 22, Digital Object Identifier,