Lead Role For Fugro In Eti’s Carbon Capture And Storage Challenge

2014-05-02 18:11 by Anja Reitz

Valued at £1 million in the first year, the project aims to provide assurance that CO2 stored deep below the seabed in Carbon Capture and Storage sites is secure. The safety of such a method is of paramount importance, with feasibility studies currently underway in the UK and overseas on a number of CCS projects.

A consortium of British multi-discipline partners will examine the requirements for the Measurement, Monitoring and Verification system. The project will result in the construction of a technology demonstrator with sea trials; a comprehensive review at the end of the three year period; and a solution to a legislative requirement to monitor potential CO2 leaks and their effect on the environment.


Source: enineering news, 2 May 2014

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