Energy Institute offshore hazards mitigation research
2013-12-02 07:45 by Anja Reitz
The research report was developed and part-funded by the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI), Air Products, Progressive Energy, AMEC and supported by the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) and the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL).
It is based around an analysis of an offshore CO2 dispersion modelling
exercise, carried out for the EI by the Health and Safety Laboratory. It
provides a useful example from which individuals could develop further
hazard models, and describes solutions and mitigation techniques.
Andy Brown, Chairman, EI CCS committee, and Engineering Director,
Progressive Energy, says, ‘The model looked at different rupture
scenarios, using a process hazard analysis software tool which provided
initial indications as to where the zones of lethality might exist in a
given event. The good news is that known and tested mitigation
techniques can be applied offshore.’
Source: Carbon Capture Journal, 26 Nov 2013