UK awards funding for North Sea CO2 storage research
2013-06-14 06:44 by Pina Springer
£3.27 million has been awarded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to four research projects to study the geological viability and safety of storing CO2 underground in depleted North Sea oil and gas fields or saline aquifers.
This EPSRC funding for CCS research - £37 million, is part of the Government’s £125 million Research and Development programme into Carbon Capture and Storage.
All the projects will come under the umbrella of the UK CCS Research Centre, established in April 2012, to improve coordination and visibility of approximately 150 UK academics working on CCS.
Dave Delpy, CEO of EPSRC said: “These projects will help accelerate the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage, enabling the UK to maintain its world leading role in this vital low carbon technology.”
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) awarded funding to the following projects:
1.CO2 Injection and storage: short and long-term behaviour at different spatial scales - £1.2 million awarded to Imperial College London in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, Cardiff University, the University of Leeds and NERC British Geological Survey. Partner organisations: Progressive Energy Limited and the Energy Technologies Institute
Source: Carbon Capture Journal, 14 June 2013