Architecture and Integrity of the Sedimentary Cover at Storage Sites (WP1)
WP1 will undertake geophysical acquisition, modeling, and hydro-acoustic monitoring to characterize the range of performance and efficacy of sub-seabed geologic CO2 storage, including three existing or potential industrial storage sites, and two natural CO2 seepage sites.
- To characterize the sedimentary cover at currently active and potential storage sites including a baseline study using existing and novel geophysical data to better assess CO2 migration mechanisms and pathways into the shallow subsurface.
- To optimize existing techniques and tools for monitoring CO2 migration from the storage formation to the seabed and assess their quantitative efficacy in detecting and measuring a particular CO2 leakage.
- To provide a catalogue of possible leakage scenarios, their spatial and temporal evolution with respect to size and variability of CO2 fluxes, their relation to changes in surrounding environments, and their likelihood of occurrence.
- To document the key elements for effective risk management of geological storage with respect to overburden structure and leakage rates.
- To constrain potential leakage locations and rates for assessing in WP2 and WP4 cross-boundary fluxes and seabed ecosystem impact.
WP1 leader: Stefan Buenz
stefan.buenz [at]